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Studying the night before the bigeest exam of his life

 Last minute study
We have all been there. Tomorrow morning you will have an important exam and you feel under prepared for it. A common feeling and we all know the stages that follow this feeling as the student attempts to pull an all-nighter to learn as much as possible before the exam begins.
 First you take out some of your study notes
Then when you realise that that is not going to be enough, so you whip out your computer for more information.    
Then things start to get truely messy. Sheets of paper all over the place as you try and continue retaining all this information
Desperate to learn this you will stop at nothing tonight, you try and take notes often writting the wrong information as you are so tired in these early hours of the morning.
Eventually the tiredness overcomes you and you fall asleep without even knowng
When you wake up, its time for coffee to try and keep those eyes open because you are not ready yet for the exam and can't sleep while there is still preperation time available
As the panic sets in and you realise you are only half way through the content that you have to cover, it's time for some power-studying, cramming an entire subjects' content into an hour of revision.
A quick snack to keep the hunger away and you brain ticking over, but a snack is still only allowed if its something that you can eat while still staring at those revision notes
Unfortunately this stage always comes, its the moment you reaise that this mountain you are attempting to climb is just too big and too steep and that you wil never conquer it. You are not going to be ready for this exam
This final stage follows the revelations of the previous stage. You realise that studying is futile and so you give up but you are wired to the moon on coffee and various other anti-sleep agents, therefore there is only one thing to do. Watch a funny movie, like 'Rush Hour', and try and forget your troubles
Studying the night before the bigeest exam of his life

Studying the night before the bigeest exam of his life

This is my photo essay assignment chronically the last minute panic and revision of a student trying to study the night before his exams
